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'Signage & paint' art


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This series of Kiwiana, NZ art prints  originate from hundreds of photos of hand painted signs that were photographed throughout various markets & stalls. 
The photos were then digitally re-composed to produce layered sign-board artworks, picking out interesting text & details from each photo to produce takeaways, four square, blackboard, fruit and veges & orchard themed signage banners.
Each photo collage is composed with hundreds of layers of textures and photo content. 
When the unique, imperfect and quickly hand-painted words are composed in a structured & layered composition and printed as an artwork, it is only then that we see the beauty in the inadvertent drybrushing, layering, rubbing back, painting over, and completely free & practical expression shown in the text - ironically, these are many of the techniques that artists use today.
You can think of these signage prints as the ‘artwork version’ of a song remix !


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